Tag: MariaDB

  • Django with MariaDB Troubleshoot

    Django with MariaDB Troubleshoot

    If you are struggling with below error while deploying Django on VPS, this post may help and save you hours for MariaDB Troubleshoot. Did you install mysqlclient or MySQL-python? OSError: mysql_config not found ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘ConfigParser’ This is my 2nd times try out Django with MariaDB. The 1st one went smoothly. Couple of […]

  • Setup LEMP Stack Centos 7 + NGINX + MariaDB + PHP 7 from Scratch

    Setup LEMP Stack Centos 7 + NGINX + MariaDB + PHP 7 from Scratch

    Believe me or not, there are hundred ways to setup web server. I searched and tried many of them on a VPS with 512MB of RAM. Most of them had issue with database, MySQL or MariaDB was die again and again. This one has worked for me for more than a year: CNMP (Centos 7 + NGINX […]